The idea of a motorcycle based charity organization originated in 2008 when the organizations Founding Father Robert “Cool Cat” Johansen and Founding Mother Korie “QB” Johansen discovered that they have yet another thing in common besides marriage and motorcycles – They are committed to being good citizens and wished to serve the underprivileged within our community.
But they could not do it without Co-Founders Justin “Jiggs” Osborne, Roger “Jolly Hammers”, Justin “Hubbs” Hubbard and Original Chris “Thumper” Martin. These Founders and its Original continue to hold the inherent belief that people want to help other people in their community to achieve the greater good in life.
Founded in 2009, choosing the right name that reflected our goals and principles as an organization was easy. In 2010, we chose to identify ourselves as The SAMARITAN RIDERS of Washington State (SROWA).
In 2014, the Samaritan Riders Spokane Satellite was established under the leadership of Co-Founder Roger “Jolly” Hammers, his Wife and his Son. They could not do it without the support and assistance from their Spokane County Originals Manuel “DOUBLESHOT” Garcia and Judi “DAISY” Garcia.
The SAMARITAN RIDERS wish to be of service to our local communities by providing relief of its poor, distressed and underprivileged children – regardless of where they live. We strive to establish a charitable network, of like-minded SROWA Satellites throughout Washington State. Our long-term goal will be to have achieved a global charitable network of Samaritan-like organizations with similar visions of service for their communities.
Our short-term measure of success was to establish ourselves as a 501.c.3 capable of bridging the gap between rural living disparities and helping those children disadvantaged by life circumstances bringing Christmas joy to every girl and boy any day of the year.
SROWA Disclaimers:
The SAMARITAN RIDERS strive to work to establish and maintain charitable networks among a variety of different organizations for the purpose and principles of helping the medically challenged and socially disadvantaged children in our local communities. We intend to grow in an effort to provide our service to those kids who need it.
The SAMARITAN RIDERS provide hope and joy to children through our various community fundraisers and Samaritan Santa campaigns. 90% of all monies raised go directly to that assistance to an individual, service to our community and or SAM Santa distribution for the purpose furthering of and in accordance with the mission and vision of our organization. 10% is retained to cover Site and State overhead costs associated with operating our organization.
The SAMARITAN RIDERS will also conduct State and Satellite specific annually scheduled awareness and fund-raising events to meet our organizational needs for growth and advertisement.